Figure 1 illustrates a timing diagram utilizing a series of voltage schemes to transport charge through a four phase CCD. At t(1), the voltage applied to gates P(1) and P(2) is held low while that applied to gates P(3) and P(4) is held high. This causes the creation of a potential well, which is formed beneath gates P(3) and P(4) to integrate charge collected by Pixel 1 (illustrated as a collection of purple "electrons"). To transfer charge, at t(2) the voltage applied to gates P(1) and P(3) changes polarity with P(1) going from low to high and P(3) going from high to low. Electrostatic forces subsequently move the charge packet (purple electrons) a single step to the new potential well formed beneath gates P(4) of Pixel 1 and P(1) of Pixel 2. The net effect is to transfer the integrated charge one gate width to the right in figure 1. At clock interval t(3), gates P(2) on both pixels switch from low to high, while gate P(4) on Pixel 1 switches from high to low. This action forces the charge packet a single step further to a new potential well formed under gates P(1) and P(2) of Pixel 2. Simultaneously, another new potential well is created under gates P(1) and P(2) of Pixel 1 to accommodate transferred charge from Pixel 0 (not illustrated). A single cycle of the process is completed at t(4), when the charge is transferred to new potential wells created under gates P(2) and P(3) of both Pixels 1 and 2. The entire process is repeated until all charge packets have reached the output node. Note that even though only a single charge packet is being moved in Figure 1, this clocking scheme simultaneously transfers all charges associated with the columnar gate array.
The charge transfer process is termed readout, and is controlled by a series of clocks that operate on all gates in the array, including the transfer gate between serial and parallel registers and the photodiode reset gates. This cascade of clocking schemes is used to operate the CCD in a controlled and efficient manner.
Contributing Authors
Mortimer Abramowitz - Olympus America, Inc., Two Corporate Center Drive., Melville, New York, 11747.
Michael W. Davidson - National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, 1800 East Paul Dirac Dr., The Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida, 32310.